It’s always a great morning when we can make another school LUNCH DEBT FREE! This morning we were able to visit with the principal and cafeteria manager at Suwanee Elementary located in Suwanee, GA where we paid off the entire school lunch debt and added funds...
Another school day and another school LUNCH DEBT FREE! This afternoon we visited Riverside Elementary School in Suwanee, GA where we paid off the entire school lunch debt! We also funded the All for Lunch reserve account so children will have access to funds to pay...
Good Morning Roberts Elementary School in Suwanee, GA! Today All for Lunch was able to visit with the cafeteria manager and drop off a check for $500! These funds will pay off the existing school lunch debt AND fund the All for Lunch reserve account. Roberts...
Thank you to Elwyn Lopez from 11Alive news for spending the day today with All for Lunch as we visited Sycamore Elementary school located in Sugar Hill, GA. During our visit, we got to sit down with Principal Dr. Crystal Cooper and cafeteria manager Stacey Thrasher...
Now that school is back in session, we are excited to start tackling the lunch debt at schools within our community and this year we are doing it a little differently. Not only will we be paying off the existing school lunch debt at schools, but this year we will also...
Are you a corporation or business owner that would like to join us on our mission to eliminate school lunch debt in your local community? If so we are currently looking for sponsors for the 2019-2020 school year!All for Lunch, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with the...
Are you a corporation or business owner that would like to join us on our mission to eliminate school lunch debt in your local community and guarantee that every child has access to school lunch? If so, help us make a difference and become a sponsor of All for Lunch,...
What a busy and amazing morning we had today! All for Lunch was able to visit every elementary school in Smyrna, GA that had delinquent lunch account debt. At these 7 Cobb County Elementary Schools, we not only completely paid off the delinquent lunch debt but also...
Today All for Lunch had a great afternoon meeting with the Principal and staff at Jackson Elementary School today in Lawrenceville , GA. At this meeting, All for Lunch paid off the delinquent lunch account for EVERY child in the school AND funded a donation account so...
What a great visit at Suwanee Elementary this morning where we not only paid off ALL of the existing school lunch debt but also funded an All for Lunch donation account to provide lunches for children without funds through the end of the year! Over the past two weeks...
Read the full article here.
Today, All for Lunch Founder Alessandra Ferrara-Miller was featured on the 11Alive news discussing the mission of All for Lunch and why she started the organization. Hear her speak about all for lunch below and join us on our mission to end school lunch debt across...
We are so excited to have been able to speak with the Gwinnett Daily post about our goal to end school lunch debt in our schools. Check out the article at the link below!...
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