Marcos De Niza High School

Help Keep Marcos De Niza High School Lunch Debt Free!
100% of your tax-deductible donation will go directly towards eliminating school lunch debt and ensuring every child in Marcos De Niza High School has access to the meals they need to thrive in school. Your support helps create a future where no student has to worry about hunger during their school day, allowing them to focus on learning, growing, and achieving their potential. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of these students and their families, fostering a community that values care, compassion, and opportunity for all. Let’s work hand in hand to ensure every child has the nourishment they deserve. All for Lunch and Lunch for All!
Let’s make sure every child has access to lunch.
Help us make sure no child is given an alternate meal throughout your schools this school year. Your donation will go towards paying off delinquent lunch accounts, and funding reserve accounts in school so that when a child comes through the lunch line with no funds, the reserve account will cover the cost of their meal. This helps to make sure every child has access to lunch at school, regardless of their financial situation at home.